Central Health Physiotherapy, Chancery Lane photo #2
Central Health Physiotherapy, Chancery Lane photo #0

Central Health Physiotherapy, Chancery Lane

Location pin

53-64 Chancery Lane, London, WC2A 1QS - 

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    15 guests

Gym to hire in the heart of the legal district in London on Chancery Lane. Ideal for Pilates and yoga classes and personal training sessions.

Central Health Physiotherapy's gym is located in the heart of the legal district in Chancery Lane. It is surrounded by law firms, barrister chambers and offices who would rather not take too much time out of the office to reach their fitness classes and personal training. Sadly we have no shower facilities, but many offices in the vicinity have showers in-house.

Capacity & layout



up to 15




Disabled access

Disabled access



  • L O

    February 2024

    I was recommended to Camilla by a sports injury surgeon after tearing my shoulder in two places doing aerial hoop. I had spent two years waking up in pain and constantly re injuring myself. I had resigned myself to never doing hoop again and the surgeon who directed me to Camilla said it would be unlikely I’d get back to hoop without surgery but if anyone could do it, Camilla could. Camilla used a combination of physio, acupuncture and massage and gave me strength building exercises to do daily. She would take photos and send them to me to help me when I was at home. I think I attended around 5 sessions and although the scale of the injury means I’ll always be a bit wonky, I am pain free and back on the hoop. This would not have happened without Camilla. Cannot honestly recommend her more for shoulder injuries.

  • Noga Rotem

    December 2023

    I’ve been with the St. John’s wood clinic for over two years and they have been amazing, truly! I’ve recently had to change locations for one of my treatments to Chancery Lane clinic and it’s been just awful! Once I missed my appointment because I over slept as my baby didn’t sleep the entire night and I was up all night with her and the other time I rushed her to the hospital because she wasn’t breathing well. Of course for the first one, I paid a fee for missing the appointment, but when it’s an emergency like this I don’t think I need to pay and I didn’t. But the next day when I called to reschedule (mind you, I’ve only been there once) the receptionist decided that from now on they need to take payment from me in advance. So now, I was classified by them as if I’m a second class person who’s being treated there. Truly shameful!! Especially coming from a woman. What would you do? Not take your baby to the hospital just to make it on time to your appointment?!? I will finish what I’ve already paid for and never again will I ever come to that specific clinic. Shame on you!